Noel News

Welcome to Noel News – a free monthly newsletter full of market insights, valuable advice, special events and more.

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Noel News – 8 July 2024

Noel News – 8 July 2024

Age is an issue of mind over matter  …if you don’t mind it doesn’t matter.  MARK TWAIN   Welcome to a new financial year, and a whole new world of superannuation. Major changes took...

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The philosophy of the rich versus the poor is this ; the rich invest their money and spend what’s left; the poor spend their money and invest what’s left.   This is a special bulletin...

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Noel News – June 2024

Noel News – June 2024

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.  FERRIS BUELLER Good Morning from Perth We’ve had a lovely few days here doing book launches...

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Noel News – 23 May 2024

Noel News – 23 May 2024

Who you are...will attract people like you to you.  DAVID MELTZER   Welcome to our second May newsletter. This is the week my new book was officially launched. It was pre-released via...

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Noel News – May 2024

Noel News – May 2024

Answer not a fool according to his folly,  lest thou also be like unto him.  PROVERBS   Welcome to our May newsletter. Thanks for the wonderful feedback on the new book, Wills, death...

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Noel News – April 2024

Noel News – April 2024

He is terribly afraid of dying because he hasn’t yet lived. FRANZ KAFKA   Welcome to our April newsletter. First of all, let me thank you for your overwhelming support of my new book....

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Noel News – March 2024

Noel News – March 2024

Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don’t.  PETE SEEGER   Welcome to our March...

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Noel News – January 2024

Noel News – January 2024

If you wish to find you must search.  Rarely does a good idea interrupt you.  JIM ROHN   Welcome to our first newsletter of the year. It’s hard to believe the end of January is nearly...

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Noel News – December 2023

Noel News – December 2023

A credit card is an anaesthetic which simply delays the pain.  HELEN MASON   Welcome to our last newsletter of 2023 It’s been another eventful year with no progress with the war in...

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Special Christmas Bulletin

Special Christmas Bulletin

Special Christmas Bulletin Home at last, after a whirlwind tour around the country, giving talks about downsizing and launching our new downsizing book. It was great to see so many of you...

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Noel News – November 2023

Noel News – November 2023

"The easiest way to get to where you want to be is to find someone who is already there and ask them for directions." DAVID MELTZER   Welcome to our November Newsletter Last week...

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Noel News – October 2023

Noel News – October 2023

"The unexpected blow lands heaviest." SENECA   Welcome to our October Newsletter We have just got home from London, so today’s newsletter will be mainly about travel. Our original...

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Noel News – September 2023

Noel News – September 2023

"The difference between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views a mistake." NELSON BOSWELL   Welcome to our September Newsletter It’s been another busy month and the...

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Noel News – August 2023

Noel News – August 2023

"Make the most of yourself, because that is all there is of you." RALPH WALDO EMERSON   Welcome to another Newsletter The big news last week was the housing summit, but unfortunately,...

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Noel News – July 2023

Noel News – July 2023

"Don’t make your mistakes into a habit, rather make it a habit of learning from your mistakes." DAVID MELTZER   The Reserve Bank has spoken... ...and, as I predicted, interest rates...

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Noel News – Special Bulletin 2

Noel News – Special Bulletin 2

Good morning, This is a special bulletin to rectify the technical problems in yesterday’s newsletter. We had a huge response to the Brisbane event with James and me, but many people...

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