Set yourself up for success.
Resources & Recommendations for 12 – 20 Year Olds
recommended Reading:
10 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom.
This is the time when people should be building good foundations, which was the whole ethos behind my book 10 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom.
It’s a short book and designed to be an easy read for teenagers. Two of the main lessons are to spend less than you earn and learn how to set goals.
Formal education will make you a living;
self-education will make you a fortune.
recommended Podcast:
Wealth creation, timeless wisdom and making money simple.
Noel Whittaker on The Australian Finance Podcast
You have to decide what you want, and you must spend less than you earn.
Noel Whittaker

recommended Reading:
The Richest Man in Babylon
by George S. Clason
The classic book on money that has been on the best seller lists for over 80 years.
Tiny but mighty – it’s astonishing how much wisdom lies inside such a little book.