Noel News 16 April – Introduction

It’s never the final hammer blow that breaks the rock; it’s all the hammer blows that came before it.

I am writing this on a Sunday morning as my wife and I are preparing to go on a trip to Paris, followed by two weeks in Los Angeles with our son James who with his wife Jenn is expecting their first baby. That will make grandchild number 10 so the Whittaker family have been busy. Thanks to the wonders of Wi-Fi I will be in touch the whole time so, as always, look forward to your feedback.

Have written before about the $10 a day Telstra plan for international roaming. Recently I managed to move myself to a new plan for $69.90 month which has the $10 a day automatically included. That’s a fantastic saving given that 24 days away can add $240 to your phone bill. We get back at 5:30 AM on Saturday 18th of July, just in time to vote!